#******************************************************************************* # # htmlClasses.itcl # # This GENTLE command script defines common functions and [incr Tcl] # objects used by HTML-generating scripts. # #******************************************************************************* #******************************************************************************* # HTML Page Class. #******************************************************************************* itcl_class Page { public bodyAttributes {BGCOLOR="#00009C" TEXT="#FFFF00"} public interval 15 public timedRepeat yes public title {} public version "HTTP/1.0" protected client protected numFields 0 protected pageTimer {} protected fieldList ; # Arrays of information indexed by field number. constructor {theClient config} { set client $theClient $client Write "$version 200" if {$timedRepeat} then { $client Write "Content-type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=EndOfUpdate" $client Write "" $client Write -- "--EndOfUpdate" } global servedBy set servedBy($client) $this } destructor { if {$timedRepeat} then { catch {$pageTimer Cancel} } catch { global servedBy unset servedBy($client) } while {$numFields > 0} { if [catch {$fieldList($numFields) delete} emsg] then { puts "($this::destructor) Error destroying $fieldList($numFields): $emsg" } incr numFields -1 } } method Add {field} { set fieldList([incr numFields]) $field } method Generate {{repeat true}} { set pageTimer {} catch { $client Write "Content-type: text/html" $client Write "" $client Write "" $client Write "$title" $client Write "" $client Write "


" $client Write "

([tod -format {%D %T}])

" set i 0 while {[incr i] <= $numFields} { catch {$fieldList($i) Generate $client} } $client Write "" if {$timedRepeat} then { $client Write -- "--EndOfUpdate" Repeat } } } method Repeat {} { if {$interval > 0} then { set pageTimer [timer $interval -expire "$this Generate"] } } } #******************************************************************************* # HTML Column Class. #******************************************************************************* itcl_class Column { public rowAttributes {} public tableAttributes {} public title {} protected numFields 0 protected fieldList ; # Array of information indexed by field number. constructor {config} { } destructor { while {$numFields > 0} { if [catch {$fieldList($numFields) delete} emsg] then { puts "($this::destructor) Error destroying $fieldList($numFields): $emsg" } incr numFields -1 } } method Add {field} { set fieldList([incr numFields]) $field } method Generate {client} { if {$title != ""} then { $client Write "


" } $client Write "
" set i 0 while {[incr i] <= $numFields} { $client Write "" } $client Write "
" catch {$fieldList($i) Generate $client} $client Write "
" } } #******************************************************************************* # HTML Row Class. #******************************************************************************* itcl_class Row { public rowAttributes "VALIGN=BASELINE" public tableAttributes {} public title {} protected numFields 0 protected fieldList ; # Array of information indexed by field number. constructor {config} { } destructor { while {$numFields > 0} { if [catch {$fieldList($numFields) delete} emsg] then { puts "($this::destructor) Error destroying $fieldList($numFields): $emsg" } incr numFields -1 } } method Add {field} { set fieldList([incr numFields]) $field } method Generate {client} { if {$title != ""} then { $client Write "


" } $client Write "
" set i 0 while {[incr i] <= $numFields} { $client Write "" } $client Write "
" catch {$fieldList($i) Generate $client} $client Write "
" } } #******************************************************************************* # HTML Section Class. #******************************************************************************* itcl_class Section { public title {} protected numFields 0 protected label ; # Arrays of information indexed by field number. protected updateCommand constructor {config} { } method Add {theLabel theUpdateCommand} { set label([incr numFields]) $theLabel set updateCommand($numFields) $theUpdateCommand } method Generate {client} { if {$title != ""} then { $client Write "


" } $client Write "
" $client Write "" $client Write "
" set i 0 while {[incr i] <= $numFields} { $client Write "$label($i)
" } $client Write "
" set i 0 while {[incr i] <= $numFields} { set value [string trimright [eval $updateCommand($i)]] if {$value == ""} then { $client Write " 
" } elseif {[string index $value 0] == "<"} then { $client Write "<[string range $value 1 end]
" } else { $client Write "$value
" } } $client Write "
" } }